Kindness Rocks!

February 1, 2021

We recently learned that February 17 is Random Acts of Kindness Day and it occurred to us that we could use more than just one day of kindness after the year we have all had! How about a whole month?

Let’s start a movement here at Crossroads Bellevue making February “Kindness Month”. The experts say it takes 21 days to create a habit and there are 28 days in February. I believe this is doable!

Need ideas? Piece of Cake!

  • Compliment the first three people you talk to today.
  • Write a handwritten note or pick out the perfect card at Trudy’s Hallmark and send it in the mail.
  • Look people in the eye and say good morning.
  • Write some positive notes on post its and leave them on computer screens, restroom mirrors, etc.
  • Bellevue Crossroads Florist offers beautiful bouquets and planters you can send to a friend.
  • A croissant from The French Bakery is a great way to share a little sweetness with someone who needs it.
  • Pick up some international goodies at Cost Plus World Market to surprise your neighbor or co-worker.

And this is just for starters! Visit the Crossroads Bellevue Guest Services office and pick up more suggestions on how to celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Month and a "Kindness Rocks @ Crossroads" rock to leave positive vibes in your neighborhood.

Kindness Rocks